How it works
Your pricing plan needs to include auto super before you register. It's easy to change your plan if you're not. Just give us a call
You need to add some employees to payroll in Xero before you can set up auto super.
After the nominated authoriser approves super payments, our third party super clearing house takes the money from your bank account as a direct debit. Payments approved on, or before 4pm, each day will be sent to the various super funds within 2 business days. Each super fund will then allocate contributions to member accounts.
Register for auto super
In the Payroll menu, select Superannuation.
Click Get Started, or if you already have auto super, click Update Registration in the banner.
Check your ABN and Legal/Trading Name are correct. Then click Next.
You can update these details in your organisation settings.
Select an authoriser and enter their name, phone, and email. Then click Next.
Select the bank account you will use to make direct debit payments for super for your employees. Then click Next.
Review the terms and conditions:
Financial Services Guide
Product Disclosure Statement and Terms and Conditions
Payclear Direct Deposit Agreement
Select the confirmation checkbox to agree to them.
Click Register. Congratulations, you’ve finished registering for auto super.
We are more then happy to help you set this up for you, just let us know if you need help.